Thursday, 23 July 2015

Which isTerms use in networking

Terms use in networking :-

1. Broadcast             It means one to all
2. Multicast               It means one to many
3. Unicast                 It means one to one

4. Simplex                        It is the way of communication or a device which can send                                   signals in one direction only.  Eg:- Keyboard, Radio etc.

5. Half-Duplex          It means a device which can send and receive the signals in both                          directions but not at a time.  Eg:-       Walky-Talky

6. Full-Duplex           It means a device which can send and receive the signals in both                          directions simultaneously.  Eg:-    Phone

7. Attenuation           It is distance of a cable after which signals become weak.
                                Eg:- UTP cable has 100 meter attenuation .

8. Cross-Talk or EMI  (Electro-Magnetic Interference)
    It means interference or overlapping of signals in the bunch of cables.

9. IP Address            It is logical address of a computer.

10.  MAC Address (Media Access Control)  It is physical address of a computer. It is actual address of a computer or NIC address. It is 48 bit in the hexa-decimal format.
It is always broadcast based and can be use within LAN.

11. NetBIOS name            It is short name of a computer or small name of a network (Domain or Workgroup).  It can be use within a particular network  in LAN or WAN.
It is a flat name or without dot and it can be up to 15 characters long.

12. DNS Name (Domain Name System) or FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
        It is complete name of a computer or a domain or a website.   It can be use in      the multiple networks or Internet.  It can be use in LAN and WAN.  It has       hierarchical structure.  It is maximum up to 255 characters long.
        FQDN        =      Hostname         +      Domain name
        255                     63                            192

Benefits of networking :-
Sharing of data, Sharing of hardware resources, time saving, cost saving etc.

There are 5 types of services in any network :-
File, Print, Application, Web and Mail

Types of Network  (on the basis of physical boundary)   :-
1. LAN (Local Area Network)
2. WAN (Wide Area Network)

1. LAN  is a network within a particular area or building.  There is no use of public property (dialup and Internet), license, permission etc. for connection.  It is a network within private premises. Ethernet is standard for LAN. Eg:- CAN , HAN  etc.

2. WAN is collection of multiple LANs.  There is use of public property, license, permission etc. for connection.  It is a network with public interference and we are connected to outside world.  Frame-Relay is standard for WAN.  Eg:- MAN
Types of WAN :-
(a) Internet      It is network of networks. It is public network.
(b) Intranet      It is network of networks within organization. It is private network.

Types of Network (on the basis of logical boundary)   :-
1. Workgroup       It is a network without centralize administration.  It is logical grouping of computers without centralize management.   All the computers will have independent settings.  Server OS is not compulsory in the workgroup network.

2. Domain    It is a network with centralize administration.  It is logical grouping of computers with centralize management.  All the computers will have same policies.
First of all we must need DC (Domain Controller) to configure the domain.

OS (Operating System)
It is interface between user and computer or interface between software and hardware.
Types of OS :-
1. Server OS
It is use for server machine, it can support heavy hardware configuration, it has different services like DNS, VPN, Terminal Service etc.
Eg:-  Windows 2008 server, Windows 2012 server  etc.

2. Client OS
It is use for client machine or for end users. It is use for laptop and desktop machines. It does not support heavy hardware configuration.  It has File service, Print service, Web service(IIS) and Application service only.
Eg: - Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 etc.

1. We can use GUI or CLI
2. We can use Desktop OS or Network OS

NOTE: Network OS will have Security, Quota, Dynamic Disk etc.
Eg:- Windows XP, Windows 2003 and higher versions .

Types of computers in network :-


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