Active Directory Sites and Services
AD Sites and Services is
use to design our network and to manage replication.
Terms use in
Replication are :-
1. Site It
means any physical location or LAN.
2. Bandwidth It
is data carrying capacity of a network in bits per second.
3. Congestion It
means network traffic.
4. Replication It
means automatic update between the links or synchronization of data. There are 2
types of replication :-
(i) Intersite replication It means replication between the different sites.
(ii)Intrasite replication It means replication within a site.
5. OC (Originating Changes) The changes which are done by administrator.
6. RC (Replicating Changes) The changes which are done automatically after replication.
7. Loose Consistency It
means replication is started but not yet completed in the entire network.
8. Fully Converged It
means replication is completed in the entire network.
9. Site Link This
option is use to create links between the different sites. It is use for intersite replication.
10.Site Link Bridge This
option is use to create link of different site links. It is use for faster replication.
11. Bridgehead Server or Preferred Bridgehead Server It is DC which is selected for Intersite
replication. We must configure atleast one Bridgehead Server in every site.
There are 4
logical partitions in AD :-
1. Schema Partition It include objects and their
2. Configuration Partition It include current configuration or the
entries done in AD.
3. Application Partition It include information about different
services which are integrated
with AD like DNS, DHCP etc.
4. Domain Partition It include security policies of
the domain. It cannot replicate in the
tree and forest. Every domain have different policies.
There are 6 objects which are must for replication :-
1. Server Object It
means DC.
2. NTDS Object It
means ntds.dit database should not be corrupt or include information about the
3. Connection Object It means there must be logical connection
between both computers for replication purpose. RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is connection
object which can pull information from database of another computer. KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) is
component of RPC which can check and manage the working of RPC.
4. Cost Object It
means cost of replication. If bandwidth is less , then there will be more cost of
replication. By default cost is 100
5. Interval Object It
is time duration to complete any replication. By default it is 180 minutes and it
can be set from 15 minutes to 7 days.
6. Schedule Object
It means we can set time-table for faster replication. For eg: twice a
It means DC which can
play any FSMO role.
Master means DC which can play more than
one FSMO roles.
By default GCS can
play all 5 FSMO roles.
Master means DC which can play only one FSMO role at a time.
NOTE: FSMO(Flexible Single Master Operation)
or Fizmo roles can be transfer but
cannot replicate.
There are 5 FSMO roles :-
1. PDC (Primary Domain Controller) Emulator
This role is
responsible for user authentication, user logon process, account lockout policy
etc. If we are working in Mixed mode, then it also means Windows 2000 and 2003
DC can act as PDC (Pre-Windows 2000 DC) for down-level clients.
NOTE: PDC is first DC of Windows NT4 Domain and
Emulator means agent.
2. RID (Relative Identifier) Master
This role is responsible to assign SID number to all
the objects. It has latest information about all the objects.
3. Infrastructure Master
This role is responsible to store information about all
the DCs and their objects within a domain. It is use for replication
purpose. It can get the latest
information about any object from RID master.
4. Schema Master
This role is responsible to store information about all
the objects and their attributes. It is use in the domain, tree and forest.
5. Domain Naming Master
This role is responsible for naming convention or to
store all the objects SID in the friendly manner. It is responsible to join computer in the
domain, to create trust etc. It is also
use in the domain, tree and forest.
USN (Update Sequence Number)
is a number for an object which is use by DC for replication purpose. Only one
DC can make replication at a time. USN
has 3 parts :-
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) It means unique identification of a computer
or it means unique information of computers in which replication will take
PVN (Property Version Number) It is a number which can update automatically
after any change is done in DC. It can
tell the information about latest updates or last changes in DC.
TS (Time Stamp) It is date and time of replication. It can
also tell the information about latest updates or last changes in DC.
If PVN will conflict, then TS will be check. If TS will
also be conflict, then GCS will be given preference for replication. Only one DC will make replication at a time.
for replication or synchronization :-
1. Data can never be
2. Data can never be
push, it is always pull.
3. Data can only
replicate to DRP (Direct Replicating Partner means DC which is directly connected ).
4. If there are more
than one DRP, then there will be pause for 30 seconds.
5. There should not be
more than 3 hops between DRP.
NOTE: Hop means routers between source and destination or
routers which are actually use to pass our packet to destination.
To check Operation
Master or FSMO roles :-
RUN cmd
-> netdom
query fsmo <┘
To transfer FSMO
role :-
RUN cmd
connect to server
(FQDN of destination DC to which FSMO roles
has to be transfer)
transfer pdc
transfer rid master
transfer infrastructure master
transfer schema master
transfer naming master
NOTE: We can transfer all 5 FSMO roles to ADC , if
required but we must transfer
Infrastructure Master to ADC if we have more than one DC.
To upgrade ADC into GCS , if GCS is available :-
Open AD sites and services -> Server
-> DC name -> Double
click -> ntds settings ->
-> Select Global Catalog -> OK
upgrade ADC into GCS , if GCS will fail
Step1 Transfer
all 5 FSMO roles to ADC but use seize
in place of transfer
Step2 Open
AD sites and services -> Server -> DC name -> Double click -> ntds settings ->
Properties -> Select Global Catalog -> OK
NOTE: We can check and transfer FSMO roles in GUI mode also.
To check PDC, Infrastructure and RID masters :-
AD users and
computers -> Domain name -> Rt. click -> Operation Master
To check Domain Naming Master :-
AD Domains and
Trusts -> Rt. click on AD domains and
trusts -> Operation Master
To check Schema Master :-
step1 RUN
regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll
step2 RUN
mmc -> File menu
-> Add/Remove snap-in ->
Select AD Schema ->
-> Console Root -> Rt.
click on AD schema -> Operation
After running seize command in DC, we
have to remove AD properly to again
utilize its hardware or this server machine.
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