Module I Features of OS
1. Defragmentation or Optimize
means to arrange data in the disk, it is use for better performance of a
computer, it can be use in any OS, it can be use for partitions and not for
file, folder. We can defragment multiple partitions at a time.
C: (any partition) -> Properties ->
Tools tab -> Defragment now
2. Compression
means to reduce size of data, it is use to get more disk space, it can be use
for file, folder and partition. It is
recommended that it should not be use for system partitions. It is feature of NTFS only. We can see the
compress files in blue colour. Users can
work normally in the compress file, if having permission.
-> Properties -> General
tab -> Advance ->
Compress -> OK
3. Encryption
means coding of data or it means to change data into unreadable format. It is
use for network security purpose. It can be use for file, folder and partition.
It is feature of NTFS only. We can see the encrypted files in green
colour. Users can work normally in the
encrypted files, if having permission.
MPPE (Microsoft Point to Point Encryption ) protocol and DES (Data Encryption Standard) is use for encryption in Windows OS. There are 3 levels of encryption :-
Low level = 40
Medium level = 56 bit
High level = 128bit
-> Properties -> General
tab -> Advance ->
Encryption -> OK
Compression and Encryption cannot be use together manually for same file.
4. Disk Quota
It is feature of
Windows 2000 and higher version, it is feature of NTFS and it can be use for
partitions. It is mostly use for file server machine.
Disk quota means
to limit the disk space for users and to restrict user for the disk usage. It
is use to save hard disk space or storage space from misuse.
We can apply disk
quota feature for the entire partition
but it is mostly use for user profile.
-> Properties -> Quota
tab ->
Enable Quota Management
-> Do not limit disk usage -> Quota entries -> Quota menu ->
New quota entries -> Select users -> Limit disk usage [ 1 GB ]
-> OK
Shadow Copies
is feature of Windows server 2003,2008 and 2012. It can be use in the domain or
workgroup network. Client machine must be atleast windows XP. It is mostly use
for file server machine and it is feature of NTFS. It is use for partitions,
not for file and folder.
Copies means an image of entire partition will be create within a partition and
user can check the previous versions of his data and can also recover the
deleted files. It is not like backup but work as link. This image can be create
manually or we can set schedule but first image or shadow copy will be create
automatically when we enable shadow copies feature.
Create a sharefolder on server for testing
purpose in C: drive ->
-> Properties -> Shadow
copies tab -> Enable on C: -> OK
Client machine :- RUN
\\servername ->
sharefolder -> properties ->
version tab -> Open
6. Virtual Memory
means we can use some portion of hard disk as RAM for better performance. It
will actually increase the size of
c:\pagefile.sys and more programs or applications can be run at a time.
We cannot use maximum 10% of active partition or maximum RAM x 5
Rules for share folder permissions :-
There are 2 types of permission in a
share folder :
(i) Security It is use for local computer only
(ii)Sharing It is use for network computer only
Rule1 We must apply security permission first and
then sharing permission.
Rule2 If security and sharing permissions are
conflicting for a user on particular share folder, then the most
restricted or minimum permission will be
There are 3 levels of permission :-
(a)Security It means general
permission It means advance
(c)Owner It means full control
take ownership :- Folder -> Properties
-> Security tab -> Advance -> Owner -> Select Administrators group -> Replace -> Apply
-> Yes -> OK
User Profile
means working environment or particular settings. User profile means working
environment or personal settings of a user.
User profile include Desktop settings and
My Document. It does not include local partitions.
are 2 types of user profile :-
Local profile
Roaming profile
Local profile It can be create
automatically when a user logon first time. It can be create in local computer
in c:\Users (c:\Documents and Settings
in older versions). Local profile means
a user will have different profile on all the computers.
Roaming profile It can be create by
administrator and user will have same profile on all the computers. Mandatory profile is type of roaming profile
but user cannot save anything permanently in his profile.
The extension of local profile and roaming profile is ntuser.dat and the
extension of mandatory profile is
profile is not possible for Administrator account.
create roaming profile :-
as administrator on server -> Create sharefolder in any partition -> Apply permissions (at least Read
and Write for user) -> Open AD users
and computers -> particular user properties ->Profile tab -> Profile Path
\\servername\sharefolder\username-> OK (UNC Path)
NOTE: UNC(Universal Naming Convention) means
network path of any resource.
create mandatory profile :-
as Administrator on server -> Open
sharefolder of the roaming profiles
ownership -> Folder -> Properties -> Security tab -> Advance -> Replace and Inheritance
permissions -> Apply -> Yes
-> OK -> Open folder ->
ntuser.dat to (sometime this
file is hidden) -> Logon as user to
check the effect
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