Thursday, 23 July 2015

NTFS Folder and File Permissions


Group is collection of users or it is logical container of users. Group is use to manage the permission of the different resources like file, folder, printer etc.  There are 2 types of group :-
1. Local group
2. Domain group

1. Local group     They can be create in computer management, they are use in the workgroup network, they are use to manage the permission of different resources which are available on local computer only. We can add the domain users also in a local group.
NOTE: Local users and local groups cannot be create on DC.

step:  RUN compmgmt.msc  -> Local users and groups  ->  Group(options)    -> Rt. click     -> New group

2. Domain group      They can be create in AD, they are use to manage the domain resources. The users of a domain group will have same permission on a resource from all the computers.  There are 2 types of domain group :-
(a)Security group     It is use to manage the security permission and to send same email to the different users.

(b)Distribution group      It is use for email purpose only.

NOTE: Security group can act as Distribution group but Distribution group cannot act as Security group.

It means limit of a domain group or level of permission for a domain group. We have to select scope with security or distribution group. There are 3 types of scope :-
1. Domain local scope   It is use to manage the resources. We can add users of any other domain also.
2. Global scope    It is use to manage the users. We can add users of own domain only.
3. Universal scope     It is use to manage the entire network. We can add users of own domain only but users can access the resources of any other domain also.

NOTE: Universal scope cannot be use with Security group in the Mixed mode.

To check or to upgrade functional level or mode of a domain :-
Open AD users and computers  -> Domain name   -> Rt. click  ->
Raise domain functional level

To create domain group :-
AD users and computers  -> User (option)   -> Rt. click   -> New -> Group

To add users in a group :-
Group -> Properties  -> Member tab   -> Add  -> Select users  -> OK

To apply permission on any resource :-
Folder  -> Properties   -> Security tab   -> Add  -> Select users or groups    -> Select permission    -> Apply     -> OK

NOTE: There are various built-in groups to provide some privileges to the normal users. Eg: Administrators, Backup operators, Account operators, Server operators, Print operators etc.

Nesting of group
It means a user is member of more than one group or it means a group is member of another group.


NTFS Folder and File Permissions
1. Types of permission :-
                                        List folder content
                                        Read and Execute
                                        Full control (Owner)

2. Step to apply permission :-
        step1 Remove everyone because by default everyone(System) have full control
        step2 Give full control to Administrator
        step3 Add users or groups and select permissions    

3. Rules for Nesting of group :-
        Rule1 Maximum permissions are effective rights
        Rule2 Deny permission will override any other permission
        Rule3 File(child object) permission will override folder permission
Example :-
        1. Create 3 users - a1, a2, a3
        2. Create 2 groups  - Grp1 and Grp2
        3. Add a1 in Grp1
        4. Add a1, a2 in Grp2
        5. Create folder
        6. Apply Read only permission to Grp2
        7. Apply Full control to Grp1
        Conclusion :-      a3     =      Access Deny
                                a2     =      Read only
                                a1     =      Full control

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